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(516) 433-1822

Gia Margaret

By : on : November 17, 2021 comments : (0)

Karen has been an absolute guardian angel when it comes to my vocal health. In 2019 I suffered from debilitating vocal tension that caused me to cancel tours/put my professional career on pause. I was misdiagnosed and misunderstood. Passed around from doctor to doctor/vocal therapist to vocal therapist. I gave up for a year after being told I couldn’t be helped or that nothing was wrong. Karen understands the emotional and physical pain that can come from this experience. Working with her has been life changing as I am starting to feel like myself again and use my voice without pain. I have a treasure trove of tools that will continue to help me keep a healthy voice for the rest of my life and come in handy when I am touring again and using my voice every night. Karen is encouraging and enthusiastic to be flexible with my specific needs/voice. She is so personable while compassionate and deeply knowledgeable about vocal resonance and health. I appreciate the convenience of being able to attend my sessions via Zoom since I am many miles away. If you are reading this, you might be feeling as hopeless as I once was. See Karen! She will get you back on track!

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