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(516) 433-1822
singing lessons in Woodbury


By : on : April 19, 2022 comments : (Comments Off on NO TIME TO PRACTICE? WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED!)

I’ll be the first one to admit I say this WAYYYYY too often:  I’m too busy to practice….or wash dishes…or buy groceries….or clean….or anything else I’m supposed to do! Are you guilty of that same behavior? But you still want to improve your voice? Well, we’ve got good news: you can do it all! 

We understand:  even though we recommend frequent short, focused practice sessions of only 1-2 minutes’ duration, some of our clients even have trouble getting to that. This is also because the mind is “busy” thinking about all the other things you have to accomplish in the average day. So, what if we could make voice practicing part of your daily routine? The solution: do our voice exercises while you’re doing everything else you have to do anyway. You’ll save time, and it will make those mundane chores go faster. OK, for some of you, you might still need to set a reminder alarm or put a sticky note on the medicine cabinet. But we’re confident you can do this. 

Watch our video to see some of these fun suggestions for practicing in action. And then…get practicing! And you’ll be that much closer to the Choice Voice you’ve always wanted 😊 


Call (516) 433-1822 or click here to schedule your intake session today at Professional Voice Care Center.
 Together, we’ll get your voice back to speaking and singing the way it was meant to!



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