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Beth Leshner Garner

By : on : September 10, 2019 comments : (Comments Off on Beth Leshner Garner)

I found Karen Sussman about 6 years ago when I was diagnosed with vocal nodules after 25+ years of teaching elementary vocal music. As a piano major in college I had no real vocal training and after years of developing bad habits while working with large groups of children, I could barely speak without a rasp much less sing. I was terrified I would no longer be able to do my job. Karen was my savior. From my first therapy session I discovered I could sing without strain. It was quite an epiphany. The exercises became part of my daily routine–several times a day–they were my medicine.
My nodules actually disappeared after a few months–my ENT couldn’t believe it! Last year after parathyroid surgery I felt like I needed a refresher so I went back to Karen for some therapy and this time, I even signed on for some voice lessons!
If you are a vocal music teacher who wants to preserve your voice for many years of effortless singing, I would recommend you investigate this great lady who has helped so many of us. . . Not to mention her great sense of humor and her vast knowledge of all different genres of repertoire.
Thank you Karen!



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