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Jennifer Mirabelli

By : on : September 10, 2019 comments : (Comments Off on Jennifer Mirabelli)

I officially graduated from voice therapy today, and I can’t believe how far I’ve come. I went to Karen after learning that I had a vocal cyst on my right vocal fold. I am a teacher and professional singer so I rely heavily on my voice for my income. I literally couldn’t sing any longer as my diplophonia made me sound like I was singing in five part harmony by myself. I had terrible neck pain and it was hard to speak by the end of the day. She introduced me to my surgeon and he performed surgery on June 29. Once I was allowed to talk, I was so scared by the quality of my voice. I worked with Karen and she gave me the tools to slowly strengthen and learn how to sing again. Ten weeks later I am a new person! I can’t ever repay her for giving me my life back. I can work all day and sing a four hour gig without much effort. The quality of my speaking and singing voice is clear and consistent. You HAVE to listen to what she tells you to do. Her work is only as good as your effort. If you follow her explicit instructions, you will recover and be better than ever. I will take her exercises and strategies with me for the rest of my life. Thank you Karen!



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