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Krista DiMeglio

By : on : September 10, 2019 comments : (Comments Off on Krista DiMeglio)

I was given a diagnosis. A cyst on my left vocal cord and trauma from it hitting my right vocal cord. I couldn’t talk and was hoarse every day. There was only two ways my problem would be solved. The first, surgery. The second, voice therapy. I decided to try voice therapy. After multiple unsuccessful voice sessions with one therapist, I became unmotivated and scared that surgery was going to be my only option… especially when I went for a check and the cyst was still there. Then, my doctor recommended Professional Voice Care Center. I met Karen Sussman, and my life literally changed. After the third session, while doing the exercises she recommended, my voice already started sounding better, I started to see a difference and fast. I was talking properly and didn’t feel any more pain. After my fourth session, my cyst was gone and my voice was set free in a way. It was if I never had a problem in the first place. I sounded just like my old self and since then I have been continuously going to Karen to keep up with my training and to make sure it doesn’t happen again. The only way to get what you want is to work at it and try incredibly hard. I without a doubt recommend Karen Sussman to help your voice in any capacity… whether it’s for a cyst, to learn to sing, to learn how to speak properly again, or whatever your situation may be. All you have to do, is just listen to what she says, practice the exercises she gives you, and stay motivated! You’ll soon find yourself exactly where you want to be!



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