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“Tune In to Tune Up” Episode 4: Vocal Cord Pathology

By : on : August 28, 2018 comments : (Comments Off on “Tune In to Tune Up” Episode 4: Vocal Cord Pathology)

To Cut or Not to Cut – That Is the Question!

In their fourth Facebook Live episode, voice therapist and singing voice expert Karen Sussman, MA, CCC-SLP and laryngologist Joel Portnoy, MD explore the treatment of vocal cord pathologies. If you’re a singer or use your speaking voice professionally as a teacher, actor, public speaker, attorney, or even as a parent, you know how essential a healthy voice is. So, you certainly don’t want to hear those scary words “You need surgery”. But do you really need the surgery? Will voice rest help? Can voice therapy resolve your problem? Will you need a combination of treatments? Should you get a second opinion? After getting upsetting news like this, we know you can be confused and overwhelmed. Let Karen Sussman and Joel Portnoy demystify this process, and help you make more informed decisions. The experts will also answer participants’ specific questions. As always, you’ll learn valuable information, and even a “Technique of the Week” to improve your vocal health. Don’t miss this crucial information-packed episode!



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