As the weather gets warmer, your seasonal allergies are bound to start acting up. You might think staying indoors is the way to keep those symptoms under control, but did you know indoor spaces can contain 2 to 5 times the number of pollutants than outdoor air? As singers and other professional voice users, breathing clean air in your home, office or workspace is critical for optimal vocal and respiratory health. Thankfully, there is an easy and affordable solution.
Air fuels your breathing. Just like dirty fuel is bad for your car’s engine, dirty air is bad for the engine that is your voice!
Indoor air can be polluted up to two and a half times more than outdoor air, according to the EPA. That means your indoor space where you spend 90 percent of your time is probably giving you dirty fuel. The result? Sickness, respiratory issues, and allergies. For singers or professionals who rely on their voices in their everyday lives, those can be disastrous.
Thankfully, maintaining an indoor space free of pollutants and contaminants is simple and effective when you use a Medify Air Purifier.
An air purifier draws polluted air from a room and forces it through a filter, then pushes the purified air back into the room. The cycle repeats over and over again, effectively improving the air quality.
While other companies use cheap, less effective filters, every Medify purifier uses a high quality HEPA H13 filter and removes up to 99.9% of harmful particles through three levels of filtration.
Medify truly offers “a clean air solution for every space.” For best results, each space ideally should have its own purifier, so Medify offers custom product bundles so you can purify each of those places—whether that’s an office, a bedroom, your car, or even a basement. With over a dozen models to choose from, there’s a Medify purifier to suit any space of any size, from your car all the way to rooms as large as 2,051 square feet.
And Medify makes it easy to maintain your systems’ performance with their Filter Club. Think of it as a subscription service for filters, which can be delivered, as needed, directly to your door. Best of all, Medify will give you 30% off your first filter and 10% off each additional filter after that just for subscribing.
Now, Karen Sussman shares her personal insights into Medify’s products:
It was mid-pandemic, and we were still delivering virtual-only services at my office, when my husband went to the dentist. He came home with a photo on his phone of a new medical-grade air purifier the dentist had put into his treatment rooms. He knew I’d be interested in it, and boy, was I ever! It was a Medify MA-15 air purifier. I immediately went on their website, and ordered air purifiers for my offices and my home. I even joined their Filter Club, so I’d be sure never to miss a filter change, and I get a discount on the filters, too! Those purifiers have been purifying the air in my home and office ever since.
Speaking of filters, the Medify filters do an awesome job of catching particles as small as 0.1 micron, including viruses, allergens, pet dander, and more. Here is a great photo of the filter in my living room MA-25 after 3 months of filtering the habitat of two hairy dogs (Corgi people, you know what I mean!). Next to it is a photo of a new filter. Look at the difference! I just spend a very short time vacuuming the filters once a month. Then at the 4-month point, I take the old filters out, and pop in new ones. Quick and easy!
I ended up buying a variety of Medify air purifiers for different purposes: the MA-15 for my office rooms, the MA-25 for the open floor plan areas, the MA-14 for the smaller bedrooms, and the new MA-10 portable air purifier that fits in your car’s cup holder, or goes with you anywhere to purifier your personal space.
I felt so much more secure with my Medify air purifiers going in our offices and waiting area. Combined with open windows for fresh air exchange, and of course, mask-wearing and infection-control measures, I felt assured that we could open back up for in-person sessions and keep everyone safe. And we did just that! (And now that masks are optional in our office, our Medify units are running non-stop to keep us all safe and healthy).
For those of you who are worried that the noise of an air purifier will keep you awake, rest easy! Here’s a video of the Medify unit in my master bedroom on the lowest setting. You can barely hear it. (With tinnitus, I actually prefer my air purifier on a higher setting, so I have some soothing white noise to mask that annoying ear ringing!).
We are proud to announce that the Professional Voice Care Center is an affiliate of Medify Air Purifiers. To purchase, visit their website and use our promo code VOICE15 for $15 off your first purchase.
As a Medify Affiliate, Professional Voice Care Center earns money from qualifying purchases.