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Justin Barilla

By : on : September 10, 2019 comments : (Comments Off on Justin Barilla)

Professional Voice Care Center has been a Godsend for me! Back in November, I was diagnosed with a polyp on my right vocal cord. I am a teacher and singer and was coming home from work everyday hoarse and exhausted. I had never experienced anything like this before so I approached it with trepidation. Luckily, I met a fantastic ENT who performed polyp removal surgery on me in February, and a fantastic vocal therapist (Karen) who I worked with before and after my surgery. I was fearful that my voice was never going to return to its “normal” state again, but those fears quickly subsided after I had met Karen. Karen is a devoted vocal therapist/teacher with a wealth of knowledge surrounding the voice. Each session built on another as I developed tools to not only recover from vocal polyp surgery, but tools that would help keep my voice in great shape. Her devotion to her clients are second to none and you can see that the concern/progress for her students is authentic. And may I add that her secratery Theresa is on her game, always calling ahead to confirm appointments as well as accommodating clients busy schedules to fit in with vocal therapy! I write this now to let you know through this vocal therapy, I am now back to singing and teaching with a voice that may be even stronger than it was before the surgery. Karen helped me become more aware and see the vital importance of one of the most important tools I have; my voice. Thank you Karen and the Professional Voice Care Center!



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