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“Tune In to Tune Up” Episode 5: Stress & Your Voice

By : on : September 21, 2018 comments : (Comments Off on “Tune In to Tune Up” Episode 5: Stress & Your Voice)

This Isn’t Just for Singers

If you’ve ever been sidelined by stress or anxiety (and who hasn’t), especially as it relates to performing or public speaking situations, you won’t want to miss the next episode of Tune In to Tune Up with Karen Sussman, MA, CCC, voice therapist and singing voice expert. On Wednesday August 29, 2018, at 8:00 PM, she’ll be joined by a very special guest. Drew Velting, Ph.D. is a singer-songwriter, accomplished contemporary folk music artist, and a licensed clinical psychologist. With this unique combination of qualifications, Dr. Velting is ideally suited to talk about stress – from both sides of the footlights. But this episode is not just for singers: if situations like speaking before a crowd, reading at church, or even talking to someone new at a function get you stressed or anxious, you’ll definitely want to tune in!!



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