Signs Of A Voice Problem 
Voice problems occur when vocal pitch, loudness, and/or quality are inadequate or inappropriate for communication. Often these problems are accompanied by pain or discomfort, vocal fatigue, vocal strain, or increased effort to produce voice, during or after speaking or singing. Causes and contributing factors include phonotraumatic behaviors (e.g. yelling, speaking over noise or across a distance), misuse (e.g. using an excessively deep voice pitch), poor breath support patterns, dehydration, allergies, post-nasal drip, thyroid problems, stress, and laryngopharyngeal reflux (stomach acid backing up into the larynx). Signs of a voice problem can include hoarseness lasting more than two weeks, breathiness, frequent throat clearing, voice breaks, change in speaking pitch, loss of high singing range, and/or loss of vocal projection. Conditions relating to voice problems include swollen or thickened vocal folds (vocal cords), varices (swollen blood vessels), vocal fold hemorrhage, and lesions on the vocal folds such as nodules (“nodes”), polyps, cysts, or contact ulcers. Other conditions include paresis (weakness) or paralysis of the vocal folds, and functional dysphonia, i.e., the structure of the vocal folds is normal, but the muscles of the voice mechanism are being used with too much, or too little, force, resulting in voice problems.
Our Voice Therapy Program
At the Professional Voice Care Center, a licensed speech-voice pathologist known as a vocologist evaluates your vocal function and designs an individualized program of vocal rehabilitation therapy, vocal hygiene and phonotraumatic behaviors reduction to treat your voice problem. We can also help you adhere to an anti-reflux regimen of diet and lifestyle changes, if needed. Practice of effective techniques is reinforced through audio feedback, as well as app-based feedback. We create a customized home practice program and provide you with printed exercise handouts exercises. (You can even record the therapy exercises on your smart phone or tablet). Additionally, the speech pathologist works closely with your ear, nose, and throat (ENT) physician on your personalized voice treatment plan.
We are pleased to offer our signature Voice Therapy Program in-person and via convenient interactive online platforms. Avoid driving during inclement weather, save on travel cost and time, and stay safe and secure in your own home.
Learn about our newest voice therapy and training program:
Online Voice Preservation Training.
Perfect for those who use online videoconferencing platforms for teachings, meetings, etc.
In conclusion, when you think excellence in vocal rehabilitation, think Professional Voice Care Center – the premier online voice training and therapy center for Long Island and beyond!
(516) 433-1822
If you want more information about any of our services, feel free to fill out the form below. A Voice Program Coordinator will get back to you as soon as possible.